
Advanced Mediation Training | Separation Agreements


Protect your Interests

Jacqueline Mulvey has completed her Mediation and Advanced Mediation training to assist clients to resolve matters amicably without proceeding to Court.  Jacqueline can assist clients to resolve disputes through mediation.  She can assist couples going through a separation to generate options to negotiate a Separation Agreement.  As a mediator, Jacqueline’s role is to help facilitate a Separation Agreement that will be taken to both client’s lawyers for independent legal advice.  Jacqueline cannot provide independent legal advice to either client in the mediation process and the mediation can occur with or without the presence of legal counsel.  Mediation is a cost-effective process to negotiate a Separation Agreement for separating spouses. 

Contact us.

If you need legal advice, please call Jacqueline and her team today to schedule a consultation.